in the daily experience of human beings run into astrono minal figures.'


"The Vallerga Opinion seems to overlook entirely the fact that in a bar catering exclusively to homosexuals. acts of the patrons which simply demonstrate their homosexual tendencies without more (i.e., without overt immoral conduct) could not possibly offend other homosexuals present at the time. Some heterosexual persons are easily offended by the mere presence (without any conduct) of persons they believe to be homosexuals, but the sensitivity of such persons is not the standard or guide to be applied to the conduct of homosexuals gathering together in a bar catering exclusively to homosexuals not offended by the presence of persons with similar tendencies.

"For this reason alone the courts should encourage the continuance, rather than authorize the destruction. of such so-called 'gay bars. With the demise of the latter, persons of homosexual tendencies will simply be required to satisfy their thirst for liquor in so-called 'heterosexual' neighborhood bars where some person (fortunately not a majority) may be offended and find it undesirable and discomforting and may react accordingly. So repression breeds either more repression or injurious consequences to innocent persons.


Attorney Lowenthal pointed out too, "If, as the Vallerga dicta seems to indicate, homosexuals must wear a straightjacket and not allow themselves to betray by any word, look, dress, social attitude or mannerism, that they are homosexuals, then it is clear that a higher standard of moral conduct is required of them than is required of heterosexuals. "... The Vallerga dicta on this subject is, in real effect,

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